We got here through Citizens United. Unlimited dark money in campaigns, used to unseat and thwart candidates who would uphold the law and the rights of the citizenry. Can thank Chief Justice John Roberts for that, as he's been dismantling the Constitution and degrading the rule of law for decades on end. Because of his handiwork, look where we are now... my interview with investigative journalist Dave Daley details the 'Justice's' handiwork to dismantle democracy as a tool of the far-right over 50 years. Watch & Subscribe: https://thelegaledition.substack.com/p/interview-with-investigative-journalist and Steve Benen author 'Ministry of Truth' https://thelegaledition.substack.com/p/ministry-of-truth-interview-with

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This was an imperfect union for the beginning. Any open democracies are subject to being turned into dictatorships regardless of constitutions. My sense of how we have arrived here is one based on unlimited financing elections. The monied population most always owned congress. Our political debt has fractured and often when this occurs, a successful move to the far right is the resounding answer. It is at hand.

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Excellent legal overview on the "coming attractions" in Fascism 2.0 Buckle up America, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

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Is there more information on

how the Brennan Center will

fight to uphold the

Constitution and our rights on

your website?

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