A maniac is about to once again, enter the White House. The question is can we survive it and I’m not certain we can. I’m not forgetting the passage of I think Plato who said, “Tyranny follows Democracy.” And we trot out the constitution as if it was an instrument of salvation. It isn’t. Most if not all nations have such a document and look how far it’s gotten with some of them.
Corruption and Incompetence go hand and hand here. But there is a reason for the madness. Those Trump elevates to cabinet positions are to be mere puppets, as Trump has always wanted full and unfettered control. By putting incompetent people in high positions, he can achieve that goal. The only nuance that may make him change course (mostly for the worst), is the money behind the billionaires he courts.
Already, one lobbyist told CNBC, dozens of panicked companies have called seeking services. “Absolutely everyone is calling,” she said. “It is nonstop.” Well, who do we the people get to call? Ghost Busters?
Do we really need to wait till after Trump 2.0? Can the corruption be uncovered as it happens and be challenged then — at least by journalists?
Full FBI investigations must happen now. After he's inaugurated, it will be too late.
A maniac is about to once again, enter the White House. The question is can we survive it and I’m not certain we can. I’m not forgetting the passage of I think Plato who said, “Tyranny follows Democracy.” And we trot out the constitution as if it was an instrument of salvation. It isn’t. Most if not all nations have such a document and look how far it’s gotten with some of them.
Corruption and Incompetence go hand and hand here. But there is a reason for the madness. Those Trump elevates to cabinet positions are to be mere puppets, as Trump has always wanted full and unfettered control. By putting incompetent people in high positions, he can achieve that goal. The only nuance that may make him change course (mostly for the worst), is the money behind the billionaires he courts.
Already, one lobbyist told CNBC, dozens of panicked companies have called seeking services. “Absolutely everyone is calling,” she said. “It is nonstop.” Well, who do we the people get to call? Ghost Busters?