Thank you for providing this valuable information on certifying elections. I have worried that not enough knowledgeable experts were paying attention. Now I know better. Thank you!

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Not if it stops a candidate who rose up in insurrection and is by law(amendment) forbidden from taking office! Then it is a Duty!!!

But Democrats are COWARDS!

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Last time around the only certification issues were in the minds of state officials - planted by DJT himself. Let's not forget Chris Krebs, Trump's Director of US Cyber Agency emphatically stated that Trump's claims of 'election interference' in the 2020 election were false. Now when your own guy says that - it's time to take notice, but not Trump. He'd rather fire him and call him a liar and a hack. Startling how so many still go along with the lie - but it's the 'cult of trump' that keeps it all going. Read about the 'Cult of Trump' with the author who literally wrote the book - Dr. Steven Hassan, upcoming on The Legal Edition! https://thelegaledition.substack.com/p/the-cult-of-trump

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